1. Learn about Seanime’s Javascript

Seanime’s Javascript

2. Write your extension

Follow the guides listed below to write the extension you want:

Anime torrent provider

Manga source

Online streaming source

3. Create the extension file

a. Create a JSON file

Create a json file with the following structure:

    "id": "",
    "name": "Extension Name",
    "description": "Extension Description",
    "manifestURI": "",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "author": "Author Name",
    "type": "",
    "language": "",
		"lang": "",
    "payload": ""

b. Fill out the fields

Figure out an ID for your extension. Avoid using generic names and make sure the ID is unique, or else it will conflict with other extensions and will not be installable.

<aside> ⚠️ The ID should start with a letter and only contain letters, numbers, and dashes. (e.g. aqEcr4-my-extension).


Once you’re done writing your code, simply copy it into the payload field of your json file.


After that, check out Install extensions to install your custom extension.

4. Share?

If you want to share your extension with other Seanime users you can host your JSON file anywhere (in a GitHub repository for example) and share that URL.

Make sure the manifestURI field of your JSON file is the same as the URL your extension is hosted on.

<aside> 🚨 Make sure to always check the SDK Changelog. A new Seanime update can introduce changes to the SDK and thus, break your extension. You will need to update your code and bump your extension version for users to be able to fix it.
