For Typescript and Javascript extensions to work with Seanime, they need to run using an interpreter. This interpreter is an implementation of ECMAScript 6 and does not support Node.JS APIs, Web APIs, or modules.

However, Seanime’s version of the interpreter implements some helper APIs you might be used to, using Go under the hood.


These console methods allow your extension to print message to the main terminal output of Seanime so use them sparsely.

console.log( any[])
console.debug( any[])
console.error( any[])
console.warn( any[]) any[])

CleanShot 2024-08-25 at 15.26.44@2x.png

Console output from ‣

Console output from ‣


On Seanime, fetch is implemented a little differently.

fetch(url: string, options?: Options): Promise<Response>

interface Options {
	body?: string | URLSearchParams
	method?: "GET" | "POST" | "PUT" | "DELETE" | "HEAD" | "PATCH" | "OPTIONS"
	headers?: Record<string, any>

interface Response {
	status: number
	statusText: string
	ok: boolean
	url: string
	json(): any
	text(): string

Bonus: A CloudFlare bypass is implemented under the hood. You can test in the ‣.

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