
Create a declaration file manga-provider.d.ts

// manga-provider.d.ts

declare type SearchResult = {
    id: string // Passed to findChapters
    title: string
    synonyms?: string[]
    year?: number
    image?: string
declare type ChapterDetails = {
    id: string // Passed to findChapterPages
    url: string
    // e.g. "Chapter 4", "Chapter 4.5"
    title: string
    // Chapter number
    // e.g. "13", "13.5"
    chapter: string
    // Starts at 0
    index: number
    scanlator?: string
    language?: string
    rating?: number
    updatedAt?: string
declare type ChapterPage = {
    url: string
    // Starts at 0
    index: number
    // Request headers for the page if proxying is required.
    headers: { [key: string]: string }
declare type QueryOptions = {
    query: string
    year?: number

declare type Settings = {
    supportsMultiLanguage?: boolean
    supportsMultiScanlator?: boolean   


Create a typescript (or javascript) file with the following template.

<aside> 🚨 Do not change the name of the class. It must be Provider.


/// <reference path="./manga-provider.d.ts" />
class Provider {
		private api = "<https://example.com>"
		getSettings(): Settings {
			return {
				supportsMultiLanguage: false,
				supportsMultiScanlator: false,

		// Returns the search results based on the query.
    async search(opts: QueryOptions): Promise<SearchResult[]> {
		    // TODO
        return [{
            id: "999",
            title: "Manga Title",
            synonyms: ["Synonym 1", "Synonym 2"],
            year: 2021,
            image: "<https://example.com/image.jpg>",
    // Returns the chapters based on the manga ID.
    // The chapters should be sorted in ascending order (0, 1, ...).
    async findChapters(mangaId: string): Promise<ChapterDetails[]> {
		    // TODO
        return [{
            id: `999-chapter-1`,
            url: "<https://example.com/manga/999-chapter-1>",
            title: "Chapter 1",
            chapter: "1",
            index: 0,
    // Returns the chapter pages based on the chapter ID.
    // The pages should be sorted in ascending order (0, 1, ...).
    async findChapterPages(chapterId: string): Promise<ChapterPage[]> {
		    // TODO
        return [{
            url: "<https://example.com/manga/999-chapter-1/page-1.jpg>",
            index: 0,
            headers: {
                "Referer": "<https://example.com/manga/999/chapter-1>",


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Manga, Chapter IDs

Depending on the source website you’re getting the data from, the URLs might get a little complex.

For example, if a manga’s chapter page is: https://example.com/manga/999/chapter-1 consisting of 2 URL sections (in this case, the manga ID and the chapter ID), you can construct the Seanime chapter ID by combining the two parts and splitting them in findChapterPages ,

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